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Wednesday 17 June 2020

8 Business-Critical Digital Marketing Trends For 2020

Here are eight digital marketing trends that can revolutionize your business in 2020. So without further ado, let us dive straight into them!

As the dynamic of businesses keep shifting and changing, one thing is for certain; digital marketing is not going out of fashion any time soon. Digital marketing is one of the most efficient and cost-effective means of doing business, so it is only natural that more and more individuals are investing in this sector.

1.     Voice Search

Most times, people do not have time to type out their queries and scour paragraphs to find the right information. This is why, for many people, voice searches are a knight in shining armor as they not only provide direct information but do so in an efficient manner.

With that being said, voice search is slowly gaining momentum with the passage of time. Around 41% of adults make one voice search per day and these numbers are estimated to grow considerably by 2020.
On top of this, the arrival of Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant have made it necessary for entrepreneurs to include it in their digital marketing strategies. So to capitalize on this trend, you need to make your website voice search friendly.

Moreover, as the voice searches have a conversational tone, it is better to revise your keyword strategies. So, ditch the short-termed keywords in favor of longer keywords that resemble a short statement. With that being said, incorporate the keywords naturally, build your blog posts around them and frequently mention them in your content.

1.     Virtual Reality Marketing

Many businesses do not prosper because they fail to sell their products. On the other hand, many customers fail to make a purchase as they usually lack trust. This is exactly where you need virtual reality. With the help of augmented reality tools, you can showcase your products in such a light that brings out your product’s best qualities.

Virtual or augmented reality is not to be taken lightly as 75% of the biggest brands have already incorporated it into their businesses. Part of the reason for this incorporation is because virtual reality provides customers with a 3D view of the actual product. 

Take the example of North Face. To sell their shoes, they provided an immersive experience through VR tools by allowing users to virtually hike through rough and mountainous terrains in their footwear. What this did was provide customers with the necessary boost to make up their mind regarding their footwear.

With the help of the VR technology, customers are more likely to spend money on your products as they get to witness the conditions your products are suitable for. It is a win-win situation for everyone!

1.     Video-Based Marketing

Instead of wasting time watching videos, why not invest in this sector as it can be a potential game changer for your business.

According to an online report, 80% of the total internet traffic would be generated from videos only in 2020.  Today, more and more people are opting for videos because they offer more information in 3 minutes than blogs or articles. On top of this, the incorporation of captivating visuals makes up for a better marketing trick.

As the video platforms are expanding, it is only natural that many marketers are trying to include videos in their digital marketing schemes to broaden their reach. So, hire php web development company and set up your own video platform to increase your audience base.  

1.     Chatbots

Customers can be repetitive with their queries. Questions like ‘when will you deliver my package?’ or ‘what are your opening hours?’ really grinds the gear so a better way to deal with such queries is to set up a chatbot!

The chatbot is certainly not a new trend but people have been hesitant to let a computer program manage basic customer conversations. However, chatbots are extremely helpful, quick and will help companies save billions of dollars per annum by 2020.

Chatbots deal with queries without a moment’s delay by ensuring a smooth communication channel. So, if your company’s survival depends on the quick response to customer’s queries, then this is one trend you need to look out for in 2020.

1.     Personalized Content

You cannot jump into the new year with the same old mantra ‘one size fits all’. As the times are changing, consumers are becoming more efficient in ditching businesses that fail to deliver a customized solution.
Also, this is one of the trends that will never go out of fashion. This is because people do not have the time to scour different websites to look for the desired product. Instead, they want the websites to do their homework and provide them with what they need.  

To achieve this, you need to gather data like purchase history and online consumer activity as this data will help you shape your content and accrue maximum ROI.

1.     Collaborating with Local Influencers

Various video-sharing platforms have made it possible for people to become social influencers. Since many influencers have thousands of followers, having one on board will help you reach a wider audience base.
Scour all the social media platforms, search for an influencer and follow them. Learn about their habits and how they partner with other businesses. Then, personally reach out to them and start a conversation. Remember, flexibility is the key when it comes to online influencers. So, try to be flexible in your terms and draft a contract that is long-term and benefits both the parties.

1.     Investment in Live Videos

Social media platforms are more than just catching up with your friends. With the availability of live video feature, many businesses are taking on this trend to introduce their products/services in a controlled environment.

But before you turn on the live video option, there are a few things to keep in mind. Just like the hours you put into your content strategy, the same should be done with your live videos. Plan out your live video strategy beforehand and use props if it helps in conveying your message. Also, stay away from crowded platforms and opt for places that have less competition like YouTube Live or Instagram Live.   

1.     Artificial Intelligence

Only in movies, artificial intelligence is out there to get humans. However, in reality, it strives to help out people. When it comes to digital marketing, AI can be a game changer as it gathers data effectively, tracks online activity and helps in understanding online consumer behavior.

To achieve this feat, set up an AI system that analyzes users’ data and provides you with insights necessary for beating out the competition.


With this, we bring an end to our digital marketing trends. Although the incorporation of these tips is necessary, they can never outdo what good marketing does for your business. So, create a brand strategy, invest in great contentPsychology Articles, and adopt a story-telling mode that links together all your marketing strategies effectively!

Source: Free Articles from

Nouman is a digital marketing expert from Dynamologic Solutions for many years. He considers bringing all the keywords to the top of his duty and constantly strives hard to achieve the best result. Along with finding & implementing content optimization strategy, he is also fond of writing interesting blogs on SEO & digital marketing related topics.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Jordan Belfort Reveals How to Sell Anything To Anyone Anytime | The Wolf...

Easy Online Marketing Ideas that Will Boost Your Results

Due to misinformation, there are a lot of mistaken beliefs when it comes to internet marketing. A lot of the new online marketers end up reading a lot of inaccurate information which they start to believe. In this article we will be talking about a few Internet marketing tips that you can use now and see results. Also, remember that reliable web hosting is most definitely a must have.

The single most valuable advice on internet marketing that you can apply is to always think of how you can help your prospects. You want to be someone who your target audience seeks out for information or advice in your niche. You have to separate yourself from all the fly by night marketers who are only trying to make a quick buck. That’s why it’s important that you reach out and offer people real assistance. 

Your prospects and visitors will see that you are doing more than promoting, you are also offering to help them. After you’ve gained a measure of trust, people will be more responsive to hearing about your products and offers. You are better off if you stay away from high pressure sales pitches but instead talk to people in a low key way about how your products can help them. Your aim here is to give your potential customers what they need so that it becomes easy for you to make a sale. Not only that, even after they buy from you, you have to keep on building a relationship with your customers so that you get more sales in the future. It’s all about balancing your marketing with effective relationship building. 

The secret to successful marketing is to have happy and satisfied customers. As an Internet marketer, your job is to deliver value in every possible way. The satisfaction of your client is intertwined with the level of value you offer. This spans everything you provide, from the articles you create to the products you launch. Even when it comes to standing out from your competition, your customers will compare you on the basis of the value you’re giving. Each step you take, article and product you create need to influence your customers positively if you want to have a slight chance of dominating your market. Remember that the amount of value you offer is closely connected to the progress you will make.

There are plenty of internet marketers who can’t deliver what their customers expect and then there are a few who do. But there are very few who exceed their customer’s expectations, and these are the actual winners. These are the internet marketing rock stars who know what they want but understand they need to give first. When you provide much more than your customers expect, you will find that success comes faster than you anticipated. They immediately change their mindset due to the “wow” experience and are willing to buy from you again. You can build an amazing level of trust here and in the long run it is the only thing that matters. BesidesComputer Technology Articles, you don’t want your product getting a bad reputations because it didn’t deliver on what it promised. So it’s always better to over-deliver than to under-deliver. Creating an excellent product for your target market by dedicating all your efforts to it is what internet marketing is all about.

Article Tags: Internet Marketing
Source: Free Articles from

This post was written by Lion Gates, educator and online marketing professional. He helps small businesses to achieve success through proper application of business marketing strategies. He is also a consultant for several US businesses helping them obtain 8a certification, and ensuring stability and growth for their enterprises.

Monday 15 June 2020

How to Start a Business With No Money | Rob Moore | Ed Smith

Steps to a Powerful Digital Marketing Strategy for 2020

If you are confused about how and when to apply each digital marketing technique so that you make big numbers, we are here with steps to a powerful Digital Marketing strategy for 2020. 

 A digital marketing plan is the main component to support a company’s growth. Putting an effective digital marketing plan in place is the most common challenge for every digital marketer. Your plan need not be huge but effective as we all know how vital digital and mobile channels are today for retaining customers. The consumers of today are demanding a variety in your approach. The scenario is competitive and to excel many are turning towards the Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi. 

So, where do you start with your plan? How many days of strategy would be best for you? What are your goals? Which platform to focus the most? And the most important, what is your budget? These are the question you encounter while creating the most effective digital marketing plan. 

If you are confused about how and when to apply each digital marketing technique so that you make big numbers, we are here with steps to a powerful Digital Marketing strategy for 2020. 

Set the Objective:
Outline your business’ overall object or mission first. Your digital marketing strategy must produce profitable ways for your grand plan. Set the objective you want your digital marketing efforts to achieve. This should be your top mission. Identify a simple method such as Google Analytics to measure your conversions and the success of your content marketing. 

Learn From Your Past: 
Analysing your previous digital marketing strategy is the best practice one can follow. It allows us to strengthen our weak spots and never repeat the same mistake again. Pick a time period which you think can produce some important outputs, for example, choose a month, quarter or year to analyse. 

Speak Your Consumer’s Language:
Know your audience and their behaviour. After all, if you are trying to woo your customers then you should be able to talk their language. Do everything but forget your audience. They are the first thing a digital marketer should never forget amidst the budget fretting, KPI setting and Channel selection. Use Google analytic account to dig deep to identify key characteristics of your target audience like age, career, sex, etc. 

Stick to Your Budget:
Three factors are responsible for deciding your budget, these are your digital channels, your team and your target audience. It is imperative to take account of all your resources so that you don’t fall behind in the next year. Now is the perfect time to review your existing digital channels so that you enter in 2020 with a solid digital marketing strategy. 

Execute the Plan:
This is the most important part of the strategy as this will reflect the hard work you have put in place. And remember that your strategy is never going to be perfect. There is always room for improvement. 

Therefore, never settle for less and never stick to your plan if it’s not making profits. Although you’ve planned your strategy by keeping a check on everything, you can’t predict how your customers will behave. It is, therefore, essential to continuously measure and monitor the performance of your digital marketing strategy and to change elements where needed. 

If you are still unable to figure out your course of action then joining a Digital Marketing Course in Delhi is a good idea. You’ll learn how to prepare dynamic strategies, select the correct digital channelsFree Web Content, budgeting and analyse your performance. 
Source: Free Articles from

Classes of professional Studies is leading Digital Marketing institute in Delhi. We also provide Short term course in Delhi to know more you can contact us at 8744978672

Sunday 14 June 2020

How I Got Out of £50K Debt & Became a Millionaire

How to do New Campaign in Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is one of the most things that online marketer do for their company or business by using many digital strategy and media to connect with their existing or targeting customers via internet. There are lots of ways to do online marketing that includes email marketing, content marketing, blogging, banner advertising, digital brochures and more using many tactics or specific strategy.

Launching new product or campaign

If you would like to launch new product or new campaign, you should do survey or do research first what the customer’s need or problems. After that, you can create your new one with the most desirable technique that involve Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Pay-Per-Click and a lot more to get your brand awareness and conversion. However, you have to focus on one channel first before moving to another type of advertising. And then you can do your own product research and analyze the most suitable method for your campaign. By testing or analyzing, we can measure which specific method is the most powerful for the new campaign or product. Moreover, the design of your campaign play an important role as well.

Google keyword Planner

If you are doing digital marketer, it is not surprised that google keyword planner plays a vital role for your business. It is useful for finding the right keywords to the right audience. The most important things is that you have to find words that is related to your new campaign or products and you have to choose the search volume changes. It is undeniable that the negative keywords might help you drive search volume to your new campaign as well.

Product detail

If you have a plan to launch a new products, you have to mention all the specific product details with good effects to get the customer's attraction including that is suitable for age range, foreground the benefits of products so that your products might be on demand. As long as there is a content that mention how to solve the customer's problem and there is quality, it is sure that it will be on sale. It will be great if you add the good reviews with image.

Traffic sources

After creating the new product or campaign, you should drive traffic to your website by using paid or organic traffic. In terms of traffic, you have to use free or paid traffic because free traffic is good for the long run and paid one is the best for the short term. So, many visitors who is interested in your advertising channel will come to your page and get the information that you created on your campaign. There are many ways of paid traffic such as social media advertising, PPC   or other advertising to reach to your customers.

To conclude, digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to get residual income for your future and it is booming. It is not too late to start your own business to get passive income.
If you want to learn more, there is a simple step by step system that you can learn. Please click here to find out more.

Source: Free Articles from

This is Lin Lin,the mother of kids and working at home to make residual income.