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Friday 12 June 2020

Leveraging Omnichannel Marketing Platform To Boost ROI

Creating a marketing strategy without knowing the omnichannel marketing trend is tough. Know how it can fulfills all your marketing needs in 2020.

Omnichannel marketing has been the buzzword for every marketer for the last few years now. By adopting this technique and strategizing the marketing drives around them, marketers try to offer a seamless marketing experience to their users across marketing channels and devices. 

The hallmark of omnichannel experience is the convergence of convenience and experience using automated marketing platforms. Depending upon the digital footprint of the users, the omni channel marketing platform analyzes the browsing history, current online behavior, user preferences, and purchase intent to finally convert them faster. 

However, creating a journey map to address all of your audience needs a proper understanding of the touchpoints through which you can communicate with your users. Moreover, you must understand the factors that help you to leverage your omni channel marketing platform to increase your marketing ROI. 

So, without any further ado, let’s find out how to use omnichannel marketing to optimize your revenue generation and subsequently, your marketing ROI.

  • Helps you to understand your users:

Omnichannel marketing requires you to leverage all your marketing channels across devices to communicate with your users. Therefore, you need to analyze your user data collected from various touchpoints and sources and target them with marketing communications according to their preferences and interests, Moreover, you can build the user profiles and understand the user intent to target them further with communication through another integrated marketing channel where they are more active. 

  • Helps in increasing engagement

User engagement has been an Achille’s heel for most of the modern marketer. Users are already knowledgeable about the product they prefer, and trying to engage them with a spray and pray would lead to brand fatigue. Omnichannel marketing helps you to chalk out a plan for every user according to the segments they are in, and target them through hyper-personalized marketing communication distributed across channels and devices to improve their attention towards your brand. Moreover, omnichannel helps you to provide the right communication to the right audience at the right time, therefore, increasing user engagements.

  • Improves customer retention:

Since Omnichannel helps you to streamline your content as well as the delivery channels and medium, it helps you to improve the overall user experience towards your brand. As studies show, a strategically rolled out plan to improve user experience can help you to improve conversions by as much as 400%. Moreover, user experience is closely associated with customer loyalty, which leads to better retention. User retention helps you to spend less on spending more budget on acquiring new users and consequently helps you to improve your user lifetime value (LTV), leading to the optimization of marketing ROI.

Ending note

As you can see, omnichannel solves the most crucial three problems that impact the marketing performance of any brand. Moreover, it helps you to make your brand more relevant to your users, increase customer LTV, and optimize the use of marketing channels effectively. Leveraging an omnichannel strategy could be the gamechanger when you are looking to boost your marketing ROI. For more details on Omni Channel Marketing platformFree Reprint Articles, please visit us at 
Source: Free Articles from

Varsha Singh is a Digital Marketing professional from Bangalore at Affle India Pvt Ltd. I use my articles to provide quality content & tutorials to assist marketers.

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